Barrister at Law & NMAS Accredited Mediator
David is a leading senior junior of the New South Wales Bar. David practices primarily in Estate and Commercial litigation and appears regularly in matters where he acts for the Plaintiffs and the Estate. David has expertise in Real Property, Building and Construction, Contractual Disputes and Appellate, and Corporations Law.
David is an NMAS accredited Mediator, bringing skills from his numerous years of experience at the Bar and as a litigation solicitor. David regularly appears at various mediation types, including Court annexed mediations, settlement conferences and private meditations.
David is an advocate for Alternative Dispute Resolution and, as such, has the passion and drive to resolve disputes at an early stage to avoid the risk, expense and day-to-day difficulties in protracted and complex litigation.
David has been listed in Doyle’s as a Recommended Barrister for Leading Wills & Estate Litigation Barristers.

Practice Areas
- Commercial
- Appellate
- Banking
- Bankruptcy
- Building and construction
- Competition
- Consumer protection law
- Contractual disputes
- Corporate insolvency
- Corporations law
- Insurance
- Intellectual property
- International commercial arbitration
- Partnership disputes
- Professional liability
- Real property
- Restraint of trade
- Securities and investments
- Strata and Community Title
- Superannuation
- Telecommunications and broadcasting
- Transport law – Admiralty/aviation/maritime
- Equity
- Family provision
- Real property
- Trusts
- Wills and probate
- Alternative dispute resolution
- Arbitrators
- Expert determiners
- Mediators
- Neutral evaluators
- Referees

David Currie
NMAS Accredited Mediator
Tel: + 61 2 9236 4938
Mob: +61 411 434 266
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